If you are responsible for a water supply network, getting it professionally and accurately mapped is an invaluable investment. Fully understanding your network provides  efficiency and monetary gains, especially if you need to develop or repair it.

Knowing where your valves are and that they are in good working order will maintain and prolong apparatus life and make sure that any work you undertake is done efficiently and cost-effectively.

If you have a burst mains, for example, locating the valve and isolating the burst quickly and easily will mean reduced water loss and easier repairs – less labour costs for you, less disruption for your customers, less impact on the environment.

Our team can fully assess your networks, identifying the most efficient way of setting up your site, with minimal disruption to you and your customers.
The Network validation process includes an apparatus audit, a survey of flow rates and pressure control, but you can also tailor a package to suit your needs.

Management and Repair Services

Our ‘Find and Repair’ technicians will identify and isolate current and potential leaks on your network. Our Network Inspectors use a range of specialist equipment for accurate leak detection surveys and effective leak correlation. All our services can be customised and adapted to suit your needs.

Leakage Survey

If you want to take a pro-active approach towards detecting leaks, we can undertake a leakage survey in a particular District Metered Area (DMA), town or reservoir supply zone. Our Network Inspectors will record water leak sounds that are propagated along the pipe walls, using leak correlation technology and ground microphones to find the exact location of the leak. Urgent leaks that may impact on your customers are reported immediately for emergency repair.

Leak Correlation

Our Network Inspectors use the latest computer technology to pinpoint the precise location of water leaks, significantly reducing your excavation costs.

Flow Logging

If you manage a large water network – serving schools, university and hospitals, for example – flow logging gives you a quick and inexpensive picture of how water is being used. Regular logging provides the best way to accurately determine the level of leakage and the value of water being lost.

Step Testing

If a system survey has detected a leak, we can use step testing to find it. Particularly effective on extensive water systems, we can test out of hours or on a zone-by-zone basis, so your customers have minimal disruption to their water supply.

Drop Testing

Using drop testing, we can check for vital water tightness of storage reservoirs or tanks.

PRV Maintenance

Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs) allow you to actively manage your water supply demand, saving money for your business and helping with water conservation. Our expert team can advise you on optimising pressure management, implementing pressure zones where necessary, plus commissioning and logging PRVs.

To prolong the life of PRVs, we also provide maintenance, verification and calibration of water flow meters – a valve free from dirt will function for years with minimum attention, saving you time, inconvenience and cash.

Night Flow Analysis

Take action before you lose water and revenue. Establishing the minimum night flow rate is a key tool in identifying leakage potential and developing diurnal water use patterns. Using our expertise, you can develop a comprehensive history of night flow rates, identifying leaks before they become a proble

Water Meters

With specialists in domestic and commercial water meters, we can offer services from installation to meter reading to data logging, helping you understand, manage and control the water being used on your site.